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Benkei Suzuriishi

Benkei Suzuriishi


Yama-gun, Inawashiro-machi Oaza, Iwane Aza, Suzuriishi

Benkei Suzuriishi
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There is an "inkstone rock" about 150 meters west of the Tsuchida District cemetery. Yoshitsune went with Benkei to Hiraizumi, and on the way Benkei was filled with admiration for the natural beauty and used this stone to make sumi ink for his work.
Yet, in another recounting, Yoshitsune and Benkei came here without money or food, and a wealthy area resident loaned him money. He used this stone as a table on which to write the promissory note. This inkstone used never to leak water, but during the Meiji Era someone broke a corner from it so now it will not hold water.

The store details

Name Benkei Suzuriishi
Address Yama-gun, Inawashiro-machi Oaza, Iwane Aza, Suzuriishi
URL http://www.bandaisan.or.jp/enjoy/site/index.html # enjoy160
Access A 20-minute drive from Inawashiro IC


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