

Aizu Uniform

Aizu Uniform


Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Mondenmachi Nishi, Nidera-mura Nishi 212-7


Aizu Uniform
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Great quality for a low price.
Aizu Uniform will professionally produce your original uniform!

Print designs come from original photo data, hand-drawn illustration, prints, and photos; we accept anything! From the original base design, we will create our customer's image. We make the design data, and we begin production as soon as we get the customer's OK; just tell us whatever it is you want. After that, professional technicians will do the printing and then send the finished product to the customer.

In addition, please feel free to consult about payment, by telephone or internet.

The store details

Name Aizu Uniform
Address Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Mondenmachi Nishi, Nidera-mura Nishi 212-7
Reception 9:00 to 18:00
Regular holiday None
TEL 0242-77-4326
Fax 0242-77-4185
Email info@dub-design.com
URL http://uniform.dub-design.com/FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/aizu.uniform
Access Please contact us by phone
Credit card Yes


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