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Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Minami Hanabatake 1-32

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For French bread, we suggest our shop, "Suzupan"
Since our opening, we have made effort never to change our precise ingredients, we have always been strict about checking for wholesomeness, and careful to take the time for each handmade item when we bake.
You can eat a lot of this crunchy, chewy, mild taste; this bread is so easy on the palate. For bread lovers, many think this is the place to come every day.

Try some! If you eat this bread, you will surely become one more regular enthusiast.

The store details

Name Suzupan
Address Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Minami Hanabatake 1-32
Hours 7:00 to 18:00
Regular holiday Sundays and holidays
TEL 0242-27-5653
Fax 0242-27-5653
Parking Three spaces
Access A 10-minute drive from Aizu-Wakamatsu Station
Credit card No
Tobacco No smoking


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