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Hakusan Pond

Hakusan Pond

Phone:0242-58-3111 (北会津公民館)

Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Kitaaizu-machi, Hakusan

Hakusan Pond
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Hakusan Pond is only place in the area of Northern Japan where the extremely rare Three-spined stickleback lives. The fish has been designated a Prefectural Natural Treasure.

This stickleback has three spines, hence the nickname “Togecho (spiny or sprick)”, and in the pond it inhabits, makes a nest among the water plants for its abode. It is speculated that this fish came from the sea and became trapped inland, or that this area was once the ocean floor.

The store details

Name Hakusan Pond
Address Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Kitaaizu-machi, Hakusan
TEL 0242-58-3111 (Kitaaizu Community Center)
Parking Yes
Access About 20 minutes from Aizu-Wakamatsu IC


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