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Kannon Temple  Stone Hokyoin Pagoda

Kannon Temple Stone Hokyoin Pagoda


Yama-gun, Inawashiro-machi Oaza, Kawageta Aza, Murakita 2347

Kannon Temple  Stone Hokyoin Pagoda
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This pagoda is in front of Kannon Temple’s main hall, and is a 1.18-meter tall andesite stone monument. The cap and base are not like real towers it is said, and we understand very little about all about this statue but we are familiar with the old heavy and thick style. In front of the tower is an inscription reading “Oei 18 (1411), in October on an unspecified day”, and sentences on the left “for 33 years memorial clear benefit”, and another face reading “Kawagetayama shu_ _ white”. This pagoda is east of Aizu’s popular Hokyoin Pagoda and is a valuable document.

The store details

Name Kannon Temple Stone Hokyoin Pagoda
Address Yama-gun, Inawashiro-machi Oaza, Kawageta Aza, Murakita 2347
URL http://www.bandaisan.or.jp/enjoy/site/index.html # enjoy220
Access A 10-minute drive from Inawashiro IC


There is a case unlike a placed amount of money.
