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Kowashimizu Spring Water

Kowashimizu Spring Water

Phone:0242-75-2114(会津若松市河東支所 まちづくり推進課)

Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Kawahigashi-machi, Hatta Shimonoie

Kowashimizu Spring Water
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For a long time “Aizu's Famous Water” has been well known, and on the former Nihonmatsu Road, this was well-used as an important resting place.

Today, as in the past, people still use this place to take a break when they are passing through. It has been chosen as one of Fukushima's 30 best waters.

The store details

Name Kowashimizu Spring Water
Address Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Kawahigashi-machi, Hatta Shimonoie
TEL 0242-75-2114 (Aizu-Wakamatsu City , Kawahigashi City Office; Urban Policy Division)
Parking None
Access About 15 minutes from Bandai Kawahigashi-IC


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