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Phone:0242-75-2127 (河東公民館)

Princess Minazuru Monument

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Inside the town of Kawahigashi, Fujikura, in a residential area on the east side, there is a monument telling the tragic love story of Minamoto Yoshitsune and Princess Minazuru.

Yoshitsune wanted to defeat the Heike forces and, to study Kiichi Hogen's writings about military strategy, he become close to his daughter-in-law Princess Minazuru. With her help, he surreptitiously copied the work out successfully, but had to flee because Taira's Kiyomori learned about this. The princess followed him and came to Fujikura area, but knew she couldn't reach him, so she jumped into Namba pond. At Dai Temple, Yoshitsune heard this news and buried her in a grave on the shore.
Because it was futile to try to meet Yoshitsune, Minazuru died of grief and, today, other people who have to separate and don't want to have this feeling make pilgrimages here to pray they can make a good connection with someone.

The store details

Name minazuruhime
Address Princess Minazuru Monument
TEL 0242-75-2127 (Kawahigashi Community Center)
Access A 10-minute drive from Aizu-Wakamatsu IC


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