

トップ > グルメ > スイーツ > 洋菓子 > Taro An; Aizu Nishisakae town store

Taro An;   Aizu Nishisakae town store

Taro An; Aizu Nishisakae town store


Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Nishisakae卜achi 2-16

Taro An;   Aizu Nishisakae town store
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This Nishisakae Town shop makes you feel right at home! Because there is a general hospital nearby and we have a free coffee corner, many visitors stop by. They can refresh mind and body with seasonal sweets! Certainly stop in sometime.

The store details

Name Taro An; Aizu Nishisakae town store
Address Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Nishisakae卜achi 2-16
Hours 9:00 to 19:00
Regular holiday Open daily
TEL 0242-28-8310
Fax 0242-28-8661
Parking 10 spaces
Access A 15-minute drive from Aizu-Wakamatsu Station
Tobacco Non-smoking


There is a case unlike a placed amount of money.
