Tenneiji Town Earthworks (nationally designated historic site)
Phone:0242-39-1251 (会津若松市観光課)
Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Hanaharumachi

When Gamo Ujisato came to Aizu in the first year of Bunroku (1592), he renovated Wakamatsu Castle and reinforced it with earthworks, this rampart being most essential for Wakamatsu Castle.
In addition, except for pieces of the outer rampart and inner ramparts, nothing of value remains of Wakamatsu Castle.
"Ruins of Koga Town gate" "Tenneiji Town earthworks" and "Three excavations"are designated national historic ruins along with Wakamatsu Castle. When spring arrives, the cherry trees are soon in bloom and are a delight to the eyes of people walking in the street.
The store details
Name | Tenneiji Town Earthworks (nationally designated historic site) |
Address | Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Hanaharumachi |
TEL | 0242-39-1251 (Aizu-Wakamatsu City Tourism Division) |
Access | Take Haikarasan or Akabe bus and get off at "Kenritsu Byoin mae" and then a 3-minute walk |