Enichi Temple was opened by Tokuichi, and this stone column from the Heian Period is said to mark his tomb. We thought that there were three stages but, after digging, realized that a long time ago there were five. The height is 2.95 meters, and the roof and upper parts were stone. The temple roof was made in shikorobuki style with separate hip and gable layers, and the eave ends, nokisaki, were weighted for the wind. The stone column has been well exposed to wind and rain, and after the war, when a heavy snow collapsed the top to the second level, earthen vessels were discovered.
In addition, from Showa 54-57 (1957-59) major repairs were made and the current building constructed. At that time, 131 pieces of quartz stone were dug out from under the stone tower. It appears that the stone tower came from the late Edo period, and there are memorial services to pray for the Shingon Sect's holy master and anyone's parents and siblings and to bury written prayers and other things.
Enichi Temple's local adherents carved on the stone monument, and used it as medicine, wearing down the center shaft of the column and other spots and making them thinner.
This habit with Enichi Temple's principal image shows faith in this Buddhist custom.
The store details
Name | Tokuitsubyo |
Address | Yama-gun, Bandai-machi (historic site; Enichi Temple Ruins) |
TEL | 0242-73-3000 |
Fax | 0242-73-3480 |
URL | http://www1.town.bandai.fukushima.jp/kanko/enichiji/enichiji_101112131416.htm # _02 |
Access | A 5-minute drive from Bandai Kawahigashi IC |